DIY Electric Skateboard

Who needs a boosted board?
For the longest time I wanted a Boosted Board โ€“ however, there were a couple flaws for me. They were too big to take on the bus, and too expensive for my student lifestyle. So as any nerd would do, I built my own. I figured out the specs I wanted my board to have, and put it together for my final year project at high school. I learnt so much about battery management, lithium ion cell technology, the UX of wireless controllers, motor ratings and much much more. Say hi if you see my riding around Wellington! ๐Ÿ‘‹
Industrial Design
Mechanical Engineering

Augmented Reality

I used Augmented Reality to prototype form quicker than building real life models, for instance times that I couldn't be in the workshop. I used Fusion 360 to model my designs, and Substance Painter to texture them. Finally, I exported them as a .USDZ file and can share to people to be visualisedย in their own spaces, in life size. AR mode only works on iPhones and iPad.

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